Monday, March 25, 2013

Alabama Surgeon on Being Too Old

Birmingham Alabama LASIK Surgeon Marc Michelson, M.D. offered thoughts on whether you could be too old for LASIK. “Over the years I have examined and provided LASIK consultations for many active and healthy 60-70 year old patients who were pretty nearsighted and just wanted more freedom to be able to see clearly at distance without having to wear glasses. If their general health, eye health, corneal health, shape and tears were healthy-we certainly would accept them as a LASIK candidate regardless of their age,’ commented Dr. Michelson. “In 2013 however, we also have excellent multifocal lens implants that we could also recommend to patients as they would correct both the far vision and the near vision at the same time-which might be important for some patients. If the patient presenting for a LASIK consultation has even a trace of cataracts at that age we would certainly counsel them to opt for the lens replacement surgery with the multifocal lens implant,” Dr. Michelson further explained. “As long as they have a tangible reason for wanting LASIK so that it will improve their lifestyle, people thinking about having Laser Eye Surgery can do so without worrying about being too old for LASIK as long as they have healthy eyes, a health cornea, sufficient tears and are free of cataracts or retinal diseases.”

If you or someone you know would like to learn more about LASIK or any Laser Eye Surgery for vision correction or Lens Replacement Surgery please schedule a Free Consultation in Birmingham by calling 205-930-0930, visiting Michelson Laser Vision or

Michelson Laser Vision and Alabama Eye & Cataract Center are leading eye care centers in Birmingham staffed by a team of specialists including eye doctors who are fellowship trained cornea specialists and cataract and lens implant specialists-all board certified Ophthalmologists & Corneal Specialists-as well as Optometrists, Opticians, technical and administrative staff who provide eye examinations for adults and children, cataract surgery and intraocular lens implants (IOL), laser eye surgery such as LASIK for laser vision correction, diagnosis and treatment of cornea disease including cornea transplants, care for diseases of the retina including diabetes and age related macular degeneration and diagnosis and treatment of glaucoma and fitting of eyeglasses and eyewear.