High Body Mass Index (BMI) with
obesity or even being overweight is known to be an increased risk factor for a
number of diseases and conditions including diabetes, high blood pressure, a
range of other cardiovascular diseases and joint and orthopedic problems. The
World Health Organization (WHO) defines a normal weight with a body mass index
(BMI) of 18.5-<25 kg/m2, excess body weight as BMI of 25-<30
kg/m2, and obesity as BMI of ≥30 kg/m2.
Until now, any relationship between
BMI and risk of cataract development has been controversial and not completely
Research on BMI & Cataract Development
By using Meta
Analysis and powerful statistical methods researchers found that being overweight or obese
were significantly associated with an increased risk of cataracts, especially
those called “posterior subcapsular cataracts” which typically cause the
greatest vision decline. This relationship was independent of sex, alcohol
intake, diabetes and hypertension.
If you or someone you know is concerned about cataracts and
being overweight or even obese based on Body Mass Index (BMI) please share this
information with them and ask them to schedule a cataract evaluation at
Alabama Eye & Cataract Center in Birmingham by calling 205-930-0930, visit Alabama Eye & Cataract Center, Google+ or www.facebook.com/MichelsonLaserVision to schedule an
Alabama Eye & Cataract is located at UAB-Highlands, 1201 11th Avenue S, Suite 501,
Birmingham, Alabama 35205 and staffed by UAB Medicine Cataract Surgeons Marc
Michelson, M.D. and Tyler Hall, M.D. who perform Laser Cataract Surgery at UAB
Callahan Eye Hospital.