Saturday, December 2, 2017

LASIK Note from Adam

“I have considered LASIK surgery for many years, but finally, after more the 20 years of wearing glasses, I decided to let Dr. Michelson perform the procedure. This was, by far, one of the best decisions I could have made. I never imagined being able to see better without glasses, but less than 24 hours after the surgery, I had 20/15 vision. Thank you Dr. Michelson, and your entire team for significantly improving my quality of life.” Adam

If you or some you know is tired of the hassle of glasses or contact lenses for seeing at distance and would like to find out if LASIK might be a good vision correction option, please call Michelson Laser Vision in Birmingham at 205-969-8100, visit Michelson Laser Vision, Google+ or

Michelson Laser Vision and Alabama Eye & Cataract Center are leading eye care centers in Birmingham located at UAB-Highlands, 1201 11th Avenue S, Suite 501, Birmingham, Alabama 35205 and staffed by UAB Medicine eye doctors and eye specialists.