Sunday, November 25, 2018

LASIK at MLV for Josh

 “Amazing LASIK experience. I see better than I have my entire life! I was seeing clearly the same day of the procedure and 20/20+ the following morning. I wish I had discovered Dr. Michelson 10 years earlier!! He and his staff are amazing. Super friendly and very easy to work with. I am super happy and would recommend them to anyone seeking out the LASIK.”-Josh
If you or some you know is tired of the hassle of glasses or contact lenses for seeing at distance and would like to find out if LASIK might be a good vision correction option, please call Michelson Laser Vision, Inc. in Birmingham at 205-969-8100, visit Michelson Laser Vision, Google+ or

Michelson Laser Vision and Alabama Eye & Cataract Center are leading eye care centers in Birmingham located at UAB-Highlands, 1201 11th Avenue S, Suite 501, Birmingham, Alabama 35205 and staffed by UAB Medicine eye doctors and eye specialists.

Sunday, November 18, 2018

Eye Photos for High Blood Pressure

Eye photos for high blood pressure? Why? When you visit us for your comprehensive eye exam we will perform a very careful examination of the inside of your eye so that we can study the health of the blood vessels and the retina itself, as this is an indication of your overall blood vessel health. Your primary care doctor will also take the time to do a more cursory examination of the retina and blood vessels-especially if you have diabetes or high blood pressure. Recently, a phone based app was developed to help emergency room physicians quickly evaluate the retina and photograph it to help make quicker and more accurate diagnoses of high blood pressure related emergencies. Sometimes high blood pressure can result of narrowing of the retinal blood vessels, blockage of blood vessels and even bleeding or hemorrhages. If you have high blood pressure that causes changes in your retinal blood vessels we may even ask to photograph your when you have an eye exam.

If you or someone you know has high blood pressure it is important to have regular eye exams at the recommended times you doctor requests. Please schedule an eye exam. Call Alabama Eye & Cataract Center in Birmingham at 205-930-0930, visit Alabama Eye & Cataract Center, Google+ or

Sunday, November 11, 2018

Early Detection of Juvenile Diabetic Retina Problems

Diabetic retinopathy is best treated and managed with early detection and diagnosis. This can be especially important for children with Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus. The earlier we can detect and diagnose the diabetic eye problems, the better we can prepare to help prevent vision loss. Most often diabetic retinopathy is diagnosed during a dilated exam of the retina during an eye exam. However, we also have a very sensitive non-invasive “kid friendly” imaging system in our office called Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) that can help us detect the very earliest types of changes from diabetes-even before they might be visible during a dilated retinal exam.

According to a clinical study reported in the journal Ophthalmic Surgery, Laser and Imaging Retina Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus causes and degenerative effect on certain nerve cells in the retina even before the breakdown of blood vessels occurs with diabetic retinopathy. From this research, it is thought that OCT may be more useful than just a dilated retinal exam in kids with Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus.

If you or someone you know has a child or young adult with Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus, please make sure they are having regular eye exams but also know that we might perform an OCT as part of their care. If you have questions or wish to schedule an appointment please call Alabama Eye & Cataract Center in Birmingham at 205-930-0930, visit Alabama Eye & Cataract Center, Google+ or

Sunday, November 4, 2018

Artificial Intelligence Can Help Prevent Diabetic Eye Problems

Diabetic retinopathy (DR) is one of the leading causes of preventable blindness globally. Yet, many diabetic patients still do not schedule regular diabetic eye exams as requested by their physicians. Referral to an eye doctor for early diagnosis and treatment is the key to preventing vision loss in diabetics. Performing retinal screening examinations on all diabetic patients is an unmet need, and leads to many undiagnosed and untreated cases of DR. Recently researcher-clinicians reported their work to develop an artificial intelligence automated algorithm for retinal photographs that would help with referral from primary care physicians to ophthalmologists of eyes with DR for further evaluation and treatment. The study suggests that this method of screening would aid in reducing the rate of vision loss, enabling timely and accurate diagnoses.