Thursday, July 28, 2011

Dry Eye and LASIK

After LASIK some patients may experience dry eyes. Dry eyes may result in blurred vision and mild discomfort. Dry eyes following LASIK can generally be managed with artificial tears but some patients may require more intensive therapy. Fish oil tablets containing Omega-3 fatty acids taken by mouth will generally relieve the symptoms of dry eyes following LASIK. Additionally, patients may be placed on Restasis eye drops to improve tear production and help relieve symptoms.

It is important that you inform your doctor if you have previously been diagnosed to have dry eyes prior to considering LASIK surgery. Patients with tear gland dysfunction- caused by Sjogren’s syndrome, scarring on the surface of the eye or Omega-3 deficiency may not be considered good candidates for LASIK. Other potential contraindications include:

• increased eye exposure as a result of thyroid dysfunction
• eyelid oil gland dysfunction
• inflammation of the eyelid
• decreased corneal sensation- resulting from wear of contact lenses,
  diabetes, viruses, and corneal surgery procedures

A patient considering LASIK should have a thorough examination to ensure they do not currently suffer from acute or chronic dry eye. If a patient does have this condition, a dry eye therapy regime should be implemented until the symptoms subside. Discuss this information with your LASIK surgeon to determine which regime will best fit your eye care needs.

If you suffer with dry eyes, this condition may not keep you from becoming a viable LASIK candidate. Our experienced physicians and staff at Michelson Laser Vision will take every measure necessary to treat your dry eye condition in preparation for LASIK. If your condition improves to a level that is considered satisfactory, Dr. Michelson will determine if it is safe to proceed with LASIK surgery. Feel free to contact our office at 205-.969-8100 to schedule a free consultation.