Monday, September 29, 2014

Age of Fitting & Contact Lens Success

Parents always want their children to have a safe and successful experience with their new contacts. What do the experts recommend as the best age for fitting kids with contacts? 

Factors such as ocular health, current symptoms, compliance and adverse events occurring between successful contact lens wearers fit as children vs. as teenagers were examined in a recent study. The results, presented in Eye & Contact Lens: Science and Clinical Practice, found no significant difference in any of the above factors due to the starting age of contact lens wear. Individuals who were successful contact lens wearers as children, were no more likely to report previous contact lens–related adverse events, problems with compliance, decreased wearing time, or worse ocular health than those fit as teenagers. These results can serve as a guide to parents as they support the fact that successful and safe contact lens use is not age dependent. Rather, parents should seek the professional option of their eye doctor and have a thorough evaluation of their child.

If you or someone you know has questions regarding their children’s eye care and need a contact lens eye exam they are encouraged to  schedule an eye examination at Alabama Eye & Cataract Center in Birmingham by calling 205-930-0930, visiting Alabama Eye & Cataract Center or

Michelson Laser Vision and Alabama Eye & Cataract Center are leading eye care centers in Birmingham located at UAB-Highlands, 1201 11th Avenue S, Suite 501, Birmingham, Alabama 35205.