Why Do People with Macular Degeneration Have Hallucinations
Hallucinations in people with vision loss do not stem from neurological problems. Rather, they occur when brain craves new images to process. Finding none (due to vision loss), the brain resorts to making up images or recalling images from memory.
These phantom images may be simple lines, shapes, flashes of light or more complex images of faces, people or animals. They can occur at any time and last for seconds, minutes or hours. Sometimes the images remain still, other times they move around. People with significant vision loss, especially loss of central vision, are most often affected.
How to Deal with Visual Hallucinations
There is no cure or treatment for Charles Bonnet Syndrome, but there are strategies to stave off episodes and cope with hallucinations that occur. If you feel you are seeing things that aren’t really there, reach out to your doctor. They will rule out other causes of visual hallucinations like neurological conditions or medication-related side effects. If your doctor thinks you have Charles Bonnet Syndrome, they will give you techniques to manage the hallucinations. These include:
- Changing Your Lighting Conditions and Environment
- Blinking Frequently or Moving Your Eyes Side-to-Side
- Sleeping, Exercising and/or Relaxing, as Fatigue and Stress can Exacerbate Hallucinations
Alabama Eye & Cataract Center is a leading eye care center in Birmingham located at UAB-Highlands, 1201 11th Avenue S, Suite 501, Birmingham, Alabama 35205 and staffed by UAB Medicine eye doctors and eye specialists.